Prepare Ye The Way!

For the Love of the Spirit

A Christmas Message

Today is Thursday, December 22, 2011.  It is two days before Christmas Eve.  Only three shopping days left before Christmas — *sigh*

I have spent a lot of time wondering what article I would contribute to this blog commemorating the day that we celebrate as the coming into the world of the Son of Man.  I considered writing nothing, but the thought of saying nothing at this time about such an important event is as upsetting to me as the gross hypocrisies that are perpetrated in the name of the flesh born Savior of humanity.

And now it is the time to put into words my thoughts on the occasion.

Jesus was born into the world a little over two thousand years ago and lived less than half the standard three score and ten that is generally considered normal.  It was designed that way.  The All-in-All, the Being in Itself, The Absolute that we call God created a way for humanity to be reconciled to the goodness, truth, and existence that is the universe.  To do this, he allowed his Holy Spirit, the Prime Mover of his creation, to enter into the body of a feeling human being.  He subjected his own Being to the conditions of worldly existence, with the purpose of subjecting it to the worst possible humiliation that only God in human form could be subjected.  The story of that fate is reserved for Easter.

The story of this season is the great love for humanity that was required for him to stoop to earth in the person of an infant.  Now I have spoken of the Being of God as Love in Love Is and will be soon speaking of the other Absolute qualities of the Creator as the Absolutes of Truth and Goodness.  I could go into great lengths on it here, but will not at this time.

What needs to be said at this time is that the birth of Jesus was the beginning of the end of time.  It was through that great divine sacrificial act that humanity is promised reconciliation.  We are not introduced to a stranger by the act.  We are reunited with that which we were created to be.

God loves you.  I love you.  Now, go and love one another.  If you know God, you will.

Merry Christmas


December 22, 2011 Posted by | Christmas | , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment